Welcome To Living Low Key
Hey There,
We’re Cassie and David. We’re obsessed with budgeting, saving money, and helping you take control of your finances!
Believe it or not, we weren’t always amazing at managing our money though. In our early 20’s we found ourselves with over $33,000 in debt living on a $35,000 salary and struggling to pay the bills.
We decided to take control of our finances and create a budget so we could pay off our debt. Once we decided to make that change, we paid off that debt in just 2 years!
We’re not in our 20’s anymore but we’re still debt free and have built our net worth to nearly $500,000!!
How Can Living Low Key Help You
We’re not here to brag about our financial success. We started Living Low Key with the goal of helping people just like you take total control of your money so you can live a more fullfilling life!
Our goal here at Living Low Key is to help you take total control of your finances so you can:
We’re going to share with you all the tips and tricks we used to become debt free so that you can start you’re own Debt Free Journey!
Grab Your FREE Budget Binder Today!
Start saving more money and pay off your debt with this FREE Budget Binder
Here’s How It All Began
Our obsession with the idea of financial freedom started back in 2012. At the time we were a couple of newlyweds living on a small military salary, $33,000 in debt and no real focus on finances.
We we’re spending money faster than we could make it and the bills were mounting. After a couple months of struggling to pay our bills and still put food on the table, we knew something had to change.
We didn’t like the way our future looked and we knew we had to make some drastic changes. That’s when we were introduced to the idea of the Cash Envelope Budget System.
This simple budget system helped us pay off that $33,000 debt in just 2 years!
Becoming debt free felt amazing and we kept that momentum going. Fast forward a few years and we’ve cash flowed my entire Bachelor’s Degree, paid cash for two newer vehicles, paid off an RV and managed to save a SIX FIGURE Retirement Account!
Using a simple budget system helped us achieve all our financial goals up to this point and now it’s time for us to help you do the same. We started Living Low Key towards the end of 2017 to share our money management tips in hopes that we could help others, just like you, achieve the same success we have had.
We’re not perfect at this, but we strive to reach our goals every single day and we want to help you do the same!!
Get To Know Us
– The CEO and mastermind behind Living Low Key. Cassie is a loving Stay-At-Home Mom to our two kids. When she’s not helping them grow into amazing little humans, she’s on here sharing her money management tips with you.
– Cassie is the brains when it comes to our finances at home. She has the ability to set a financial goal and always hit it. I’m not sure how she does it, sometimes it’s a little freaky how good she is at managing our money! If you need help learning how to manage your money, she’s the right person for the job.- As an accomplished personal finance blogger, she has been featured on quite a few major sites such as: US News, Business Insider, Authority Magazine, and Best Company just to name a few.
– Assistant to the CEO here at Living Low Key (that’s not on his LinkedIn profile…yet). David helps with a lot of the technical aspects on the blog and occasionally pops in to send out an email or share some money management tips.
– During the weekdays, David spends most of the day working at his job as a Senior Production Supervisor for a medical device manufacturing company. It pays the bills but we’d much rather he be here at home with us!
– Lately, David has taken over the role of marketing and brand outreach here at Living Low Key. He’s always looking for brands we can share with you to help you with your finances!