Cheap date night ideas you’ll love!
My favorite romantic at-home date night ideas are always the ones that save us money!
If you’re looking for cheap at-home date night ideas, you’ve come to the right place! A lot of couples get stuck in a rut, where they go out to eat or see a movie every date night. This can get expensive quickly.
There are plenty of other things you can do that are just as fun and will save you money. My favorite romantic at-home date night ideas are always the ones that save us money!
Don’t get me wrong I love getting out of the house, but being able to have my cake and eat it too all from the comfort of my home is an amazing thing!
You’re going to love these easy stay-at-home date night ideas!
My husband and I use to do regular date nights on a weekly basis… And then we had 2 kids.
Having kids makes things a bit harder, date nights are few and far between.
When you do get out you’ll most likely spend half of your time talking about your kids and the other half of your time wondering what they are up to.
I can’t be the only one who does this, or am I?
On top of that, babysitters charge A LOT these days. Like a lot a lot!!
My husband and I are really picky about who watches our kids but we also know it’s important to take time for ourselves together. Remember, date night doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to be meaningful and fun!
Love don’t cost a thing!
Our favorite money-saving articles:
- How To Save 100k (5 Money Moves I Recommend You Start Today)
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Keys To A Great Date Night In
Put The Kids To Bed
Who lets their kids stay up late on the weekends? I don’t… Okay so maybe every once in a while I do. =) Our kids are still young though, the oldest is only 7 so if we aren’t having our family “movie night” they are in bed on time.
Once the kids are in bed let the fun begin!!
Both Members Are Accounted For Your Date Night In
Make sure your significant other is on board for date night. Is your significant other going to be home that night? Does he or she have other plans? Make sure you’re both on board.
More than likely you will be.
A Plan And A Spectacular Date Night Idea
Honestly, if date night sneaks up on us and we don’t have a plan we will more than likely spend our night working or twiddling our thumbs on the couch. Have a plan and make it exciting! If you don’t, your spectacular “date night in” will be a bust.
My husband and I take turns coming up with fun date night ideas. This makes it exciting because we have no idea what the other person has planned! We try to come up with creative date night ideas twice per month.
So, for all of you who can’t manage to fit in a date night out on the town, believe me, we know it’s hard.
When you alternate being in charge of the date idea, you only have to focus on planning something for you and your partner once a month. Just once!! Your partner will take care of the other date night.
I promise you, this will be something new and exciting that will add to your relationship! It might just feel like a first date again!
If you or your significant other are horrible at coming up with something to do during “date night” make sure to check out date night in a box. The box contains 100 different date night ideas. Not only is this a perfect gift, but it’s also the perfect way to start off date night in your home.
Once the kids are in bed let the fun begin!!
>>>>>>>> Try date night in a box!
Fun Outdoor – Date Night Ideas
1| Picnic In Dark
You can have a picnic just about anywhere, but in the summer our favorite place is the back deck. The trick to this fun date night idea is to hold off on dinner that night.
Feed your kids and put them to bed. Then plan your own little special dinner that doesn’t involve mac and cheese and hotdogs.
Grab your picnic basket, relax and enjoy the sunset together sipping on your favorite beverage while you have a fun night.
2| Play In The Snow / Rain / Sun
How often do you get outdoors and hang out? I bet it isn’t often enough. Get outside and just hang out. Shovel the snow, do yard work, throw a ball around, you name it, and just do it!
>>> Here are 50 cheap WINTER date ideas you must try!
3| Play A Game Outside
Who doesn’t love yard games? This is one of my favorite parts of summer. We have a huge yard so we definitely take advantage of yard games. Grab yourself a drink and head outside to play games.
The sun sets later in the summer for a reason, go enjoy!
Here are our favorite outdoor games:
–Yardzee– You’ll love this game! I highly recommend Yardzee, it’s even more fun if you are having a group date night at your house.
–Ladder Golf – We’ve had this game forever and it never gets old. Or maybe that’s because I win every time!
–Lawn Bowling – The name speaks for itself! Time to spruce up on your bowling skills. My husband always beats me with this one.
4| Have A Bonfire
Pull out those marshmallows and make yourself a little fire in the backyard. Sipping on your favorite beverage, or hot chocolate, and watch the sunset together.
Then run for the hills when the mosquitos come a bitting. Seriously though!! If you live in Minnesota you know what I’m talking about!
At-Home Date Night Ideas- From Your Kitchen
5| Theme Night
Pick a theme for your date night! Then plan dinner, dessert, and a movie date around that theme. This takes a little planning but it makes for a really fun date idea.
6| Beverage Tasting
This has always been my favorite date night idea. That’s why it’s near the top of this date night ideas list!
Are you lovers of alcohol, kombucha, or any other beverage? We love trying out new craft beers or different types of wine. So every once in a while we will do a beer or wine tasting right at home.
We love Total Wine for its great selection of beer and wine. If you have one close by, go and check them out. You can buy beer by the bottle, so we usually just fill up a 6 pack and call it good.
7| Date Night In Baking Extravaganza
If any baking is being done once the kids are in bed it usually involves some type of delicious dessert! We’ve never done an actual cooking class, we just treat a baking date night like it’s a cooking class.
If you are looking for the best desserts out there, we find ours on Pinterest! Seriously, what can’t you find on there? And don’t forget to follow us for more money-saving ideas.
8| Coffee Date
Date nights don’t always have to take place at night! Some of our best conversations happen over coffee after breakfast. We send the kids to the living room to play and enjoy some delicious home-brewed coffee.
You know the cheap stuff that comes in a bag that you have to make yourself. You don’t need to go to a coffee shop to have a coffee date.
Related article: 10 Simple Ways To Score Free Starbucks Gift Cards
9| Make Your Favorite Meal Together
What’s your favorite meal? Or your favorite meal that you both enjoy? We are pizza fanatics!
My husband makes the best chicken alfredo pizza. If you haven’t tried it you must! Let me know if you want the recipe.
Related article: 85 Frugal Meals You Can Make (Even On A Small Budget)
10| Plan Future Vacation
Who doesn’t love a nice family vacation? Or maybe you are looking forward to a kid-free vacation? One of our favorite date night ideas is to plan out family vacations.
Whatever it may be, having something to look forward to like a nice trip is motivating! So plan out your next vacation, you’ll be glad you did.
Related article: How Michelle From Making Sense Of Cents Ditched Debt To Travel Full-Time
11| Battle Of The Sexes
Have you ever played Battle Of The Sexes? If not you’ll get a kick out of this board game! Men vs. Women!! You’ll have yourselves laughing at each other all night long!
The more you drink the better it gets!
If that’s not your idea of a fun date night, there are other types of board games that you might enjoy.
Cheap Date Night Ideas For At Home- From The Living Room
12| Date Night Movie- Its Show Time
There are so many cheap options for watching movies and tv shows nowadays. So what better way to spend a night than cuddled up on the couch together watching your favorite tv show.
Our favorite way to do this is with HULU. They have all the great TV shows which air a day after they air on real-time TV. They are super affordable, we only pay $7.99 a month. You can also cancel at any time, with no contract!
>>> If you want to try it out for a month for FREE check it out here.
13| Play Video Games
My husband loves this! We have tons of video games from 10+ years ago some of which we used to play together. It’s fun to pull out a thing from the past that brings back memories.
I’m a big fan of old school games! Who remembers the original Donkey Kong?
This makes the perfect date night for those gamers out there!
14| Play Card Games
I haven’t always been a big “game” fan myself, however, over the years they have really grown on me. Now I look forward to our card game nights. Card games are fun and they get you communicating with your partner.. and of course, they get you laughing.
You could also consider doing a trivia night! That’s a fun way to play a game and test your brainpower!
These are some of our favorite card games:
15| Create A Bucket List
Who doesn’t have a bucket list?? Well, you should!
A bucket list should include things you want to try, experiences you want to have, or places you want to travel to in your lifetime.
Here are a few things on my bucket list:
> Sail the Caribbean
> Save a million dollars
> Travel the U.S. in an RV
> Go ice skating
> Perform in a comedy show
Your bucket list can be short-term or long-term or both! When you’re done compare with your partner. Then make a plan to knock one of those items off your list this year!
Related article: Come check out how we made $22,000 in one month with our side hustle
16| Massages
This comes from the list of romantic date night ideas. Who doesn’t love a good massage? Grab your partner and head to the bedroom. Who knows where this night might go 😉
This should be added to the list of great anniversary date ideas.
17| Learn A Different Language Together
How many languages do you know? More than one? You can actually make this into a really fun game that extends past date night. A few years ago we went on vacation only to realize that nobody spoke English!
Oops, my bad… That was our first out-of-the-country experience, I should have thought of this before we left.
It was a steep learning curve in such a short period of time, but it was so fun!
Learning a new language together is definitely one of the more unique date night ideas.
18| DIY Home Project
Everyone loves DIY projects!!
One of our favorite DIY projects we’ve done for a date idea was when we refurbished an old oak table that we found on Craigslist and it turned out amazing!! We have done so many DIY projects around our house I couldn’t count them if I wanted to.
It makes for great bonding time and is definitely don’t the list of creative date ideas! Are there any DIY projects you’ve been wanting to get done around the house?
19| Learn A New Skill
What skill have you been wanting to pick up but haven’t found the time?
Our go place for learning new things is YouTube! You can seriously learn just about anything by watching Youtube videos.
What we’ve learned from Youtube this year:
< DIY projects for our home
< How to lay new laminate floor throughout our house.
< How to insulate our garage
< How to install our dishwasher, new toilet, and microwave
Learning how to do things together is fun and makes for great indoor date ideas during the winter.
20| Workout Together
Have you ever heard those who work out together stay together?
Well, it’s true!!
Or so I like to tell myself. Working out feels good for a reason, its good for you! And it’s a confidence builder. So start getting a workout in together. Even if it’s just ten minutes.
You’ll love the changes you’ll see in yourself and the new spark you will see in your relationship.
Our favorite way to workout is with Beachbody on Demand! We love their workouts and the fact that you can stream 100’s of workouts right to your living room. You just can’t beat that.. AND it’s super affordable.
If you want more info on the workout program we use, check it out here!! Other I enjoy looking for quick workouts are Instagram and Pinterest!
21| Lay In Bed And Cuddle
After kids, cuddling becomes a thing of the past! By the time our heads hit the pillow at night we are out in a flash. Making time to do the things you used to do before kids or before your busy career took off is important! Cuddling is one of those cute date ideas that doesn’t cost you a dime.
Honestly, you should make this a weekly date night if not more frequently.
Benefits of cuddling:
< Bonding time
< It relieves stress, we all need this in our life
< It feels good
< Deepens your relationship
22| Look At Old Photos
One of my favorite at-home date night ideas is looking back at photos from our trips. This is a great way to stir up memories and remind us of all the fun we have had.
23| Paint Night
We’ve got a lot of paint in our house but that’s usually the kids doing the painting. One fun date idea we came up with recently was to find an image online and then do our best to paint that image.
We each tried to recreate the image and see which one turned out best. Let’s just say, we won’t be quitting our day jobs to become painters but that was one of our more fun ideas.
There you have it! 23 fun date night ideas you have to try out this year!
What are your favorite at-home date night ideas? Are there any more date night ideas we should add to the list?
If you loved this post make sure to SAVE it for later and don’t forget to come to follow us on Pinterest! =)
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These are awesome! Will be trying a few!
Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed them!
Hi The Pipps
Feels very strange to start like that, but can’t see your names 🙂
What a lovely warm feeling you created with this post …
Obviously you really look forward to and enjoy your Date Nights …
Very wise of you to make time to be a couple again…
as looking after children can take over completely.
Wonderful selection of choices –
Wondered at the choice of no 1?
There for a reason ?:) I’m teasing you 🙂
Have pinned to my Dating Tips Board and will add to my Marriage board when it’s ready 🙂
Liz 🙂
Hi Liz,
Thank you for checking out the post and I’m glad you liked it. The kids definitely keep us busy so we look forward to our date nights. The choice for number 1 was made intentionally 😉
Cassie & David
coffee dates are the best 🙂 such a nice list!
Thank you!! I’m glad you liked the list!